District Open Positions/Equal Employment, Equal Education
Florence-Carlton School District Employment Opportunities
Click on the links below for an application. Please call the District Office at 406-273-6751 with questions.
Certified Application (Teacher or Administrator) (See OPI job site for a complete job posting)
Coaching Application (fillable)
Substitute Application (fillable)
Volunteer Application (fillable)
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OPEN Administrative Positions
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OPEN Certified Positions
JOB TITLE: Teacher - High School Special Education for 2025-26
POSITION OBJECTIVE(S): To help all students learn subject matter and skills that will contribute to their development as mature, able, and responsible individuals.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.
Effectively integrates solid content knowledge into the curricula, makes connections between the content and other parts of the student discipline(s), and develops relationships among topics and concepts in teaching plans and practices.
Integrates current best practices, research, and education laws into the teaching plans and practices, to assure the most effective educational program for our students.
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of students including: intellectual, social, and emotional characteristics of age group; students' varied approaches to learning; student skills and knowledge; student interests and cultural heritage; student economic influences; and student family, school and community context.
Selects and integrates instructional goals that are valuable, clearly stated, measurable, suitable for diverse students, and that create opportunities for different types of learning.
Seeks and effectively utilizes all available school and district teaching and student resources to enhance instruction and learning.
Designs coherent instruction (including learning activities, instructional materials and resources, instructional groups, lesson and unit structure and the like) that reflect current best practices in the field and support the instructional goals.
Accurately and thoroughly assesses student learning using instructional goals; clearly communicates assessment criteria and standards to students; and effectively utilizes assessment results to plan for individuals and groups of students.
Uses student assessment information in developing an effective standards-based Individual Educational Plan (IEP) for those students who qualify for such services.
Completes all special education paperwork in a timely and organized manner
Creates and maintains an environment of respect and rapport.
Establishes a culture for learning that incorporates the importance of the content, student pride in high quality work, and high expectations for student achievement.
Effectively and efficiently manages classroom procedures including instructional groups, transitions, materials and supplies handling, and the performance of non-instructional duties.
Assures productive, effective, and efficient use of para-educators and volunteers in the classroom.
Effectively manages student behavior by clearly communicating expectations, monitoring student behavior at all times, and successfully and respectfully responds to student behavior and misbehavior. Develops and implements effective student behavior support plan as needed.
Effectively organizes classroom furniture and other physical resources to promote learning, safety and accessibility.
Provides a safe learning environment for all students. Takes all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
Communicates directions and procedures clearly, accurately and effectively both in spoken and written language.
Effectively utilizes questioning and discussion techniques in the classroom to promote student participation and to successfully engage students in the discussion.
Effectively and appropriately engages students in learning to maximize student comprehension of the lesson through representation of content, activities and assignments, instructional groupings, instructional materials and resources, structure and pacing, and the like.
Provides accurate, substantive, constructive, specific and timely feedback on student progress and performance to students, parents, and other professionals as needed or required.
Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness to student needs by effectively making minor adjustments to the lesson, persistently seeking thoughtful alternative approaches/strategies/resources, and successfully accommodating students’ questions or interests to enhance student learning.
Accurately and thoroughly assesses a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its goals, and effectively modifies the lesson plan for future use to enhance student learning.
Assists the school administrator in planning and evaluating curriculum effectiveness and identifying program needs.
Develops and implements and effective system to maintain accurate, complete and confidential student records including student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and other non-instructional records.
Prepares and submits accurate, complete, timely and effective reports as required by law, district policy, and/or administrative regulations.
Communicates/collaborates effectively with parents to keep families informed of the instructional programs and individual student progress, and effectively responds to parent concerns and engages families to help meet the educational needs of the student. Means of communication may include annual open house, observation sessions for parents, conferences, weekly newsletters, sessions for program discussion, making home visits, and other individual meetings as necessary.
Works effectively, cooperatively and respectfully with supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, and other professionals and outside agencies.
Participates in Student Intervention Team (SIT) functions including (but not limited to) meetings, developing referral processes, screening referred students, providing supplemental support, and consulting services as requested.
Actively participates in school events, workshops, in-service meetings, teacher trainings, building level staff meetings, district meetings, and other school and district committees/projects, making substantial contributions.
Seeks out and actively participates in opportunities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and teaching skills, to support district goals and school action/strategic plans, and/or as may be directed by the School Administrator.
Keeps abreast of current best practices, research findings, and other developments in the field.
Actively participates in assisting and supporting other educators and administrators in the school and/or district.
Shows professionalism and considers "What's best for students" in serving and advocating for students, and in decision making.
Follows and assists in upholding and enforcing school rules, administrative regulations and procedures, policies of the FCSD
Please submit a letter of intent, district application, resume, three (3) letters of recommendation, copy of all transcripts, and a copy of your Montana Teacher License. Submit these to Christine Coulter: coulterc@florence.k12.mt.us. Phone: 406-273-6751.
This position is for the 2025-2026 school year.
A copy of the district application can be found on our website: www.florencecarlton.org
Requires a Bachelor's degree in Education and current Montana Educator License with appropriate endorsements. Credit for full years of experience and level of education. Addtl. compensation for up to 6 evening concerts; pep band/drumline.
Florence-Carlton is a class B school in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of Montana, 24 miles south of Missoula. It is a K-12 campus. Be surrounded by nature one minute and enjoy all the amenities and cultural offerings of the city the next. FCSD is an equal opportunity employer.
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OPEN Classified Positions
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OPEN Coaching Positions
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We need substitutes at all levels. $14.20/hour for substitute teachers and $11.50/hour for classified substitutes.
Substitute Teachers
Substitute Paraprofessionals
Substitute Food Service Workers
Substitute Custodians
If interested please submit an application to the District Office.
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Equal Employment, Equal Education
Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination - The District will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, military status, citizenship status, use of lawful products while not at work, physical or mental disability, if otherwise able to perform essential functions of a other legally protected categories.
Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity - The District will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status. No student, on the basis of sex, will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.
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