FCSD Traffic Education Classes will only be offered during the summer months

There will be 1 session of Traffic Education in Florence in summer 2025. There will be 30 students accepted into the summer session. It will start the first part of June and end towards the end of July. The full schedule will come soon, April 2025. 

State-Approved Driver Education for Montana Teens (14.5 to 19 years of age)

Montana's school districts offer quality state-approved driver education that includes traffic safety, parent/guardian involvement, and Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL). The Traffic Education Unit approves instructors and school-based programs to ensure Montana standards and requirements are met (10.13.3: Program Standards and Course Requirements for Traffic Education).

Teens who successfully complete a state-approved driver education course in Montana have at least:

  • 60 hours of traffic education instruction including 6 hours of behind-the-wheel in-traffic instruction (see Curriculum Standards).

  • A minimum of 25 days of instruction taught by a state-approved traffic educator.

  • The opportunity to study for and take the Learner License knowledge exam and receive a Learner License during the traffic education course.

Download the Montana Traffic Education Standards & Requirements (updated 2017-2019) for detailed information on Montana's traffic education programs.

Avoid Third-Party Driver Education Websites

Third-party websites that claim to offer driver education for Montana teens should be avoided. They do not satisfy the requirements and students taking these courses will be disappointed when they attempt to apply for a driver license. Please advise the families in your community that only state-approved, school-based traffic education programs will provide this instruction for teens under the age of 16.  Once a teen is 16, they can obtain a learner license and be taught and supervised by an adult driver authorized by a parent/guardian.

Florence-Carlton Traffic Education Details

***There will be 2 sessions of Traffic Education in Florence during the summer of 2025. The schedules will be updated and shared in April 2025. ***

Registration is open to students who (1) live within the geographic boundaries of the public school district, whether or not they are enrolled in the school district or (2) are enrolled in the school district as an out of district student. Out of district students will be accepted AFTER any Florence students have been accepted, starting with oldest students to youngest.

Students must be 14 1/2 years old on the first day of class. Students are scheduled by age, with the oldest students having first priority. Registration does not ensure enrollment into the course. The date/time stamp on the registration will be used for determining enrollment after the age requirements have been fulfilled and in the event of a tie. 

Students who meet the criteria above will be notified of enrollment via email. Once you have been accepted, payment of $300 must be received by the high school office prior to the start of class. Students who have not paid by the deadline will be removed to allow students from the waiting list to participate.

Here is a parent/legal guardian and student letter that needs to be signed as well as returned to the office when you pay your fees. These letters can be picked up from the office, after you have been accepted to the program. Here is a link for you to look over the document. Parent Letter/Contract

Traffic Ed FAQ's

Please contact Dan Williams via email - williamsda@florence.k12.mt.us with any questions. 

Traffic Education Registration Form

Registration Requirements - NO EXCEPTIONS 

  1. Cost: Tuition is $300 and payment is required by the dates listed above. Registration will be taken by oldest to youngest first and then is on a first-come, first-served basis.

  2. Anyone seeking scholarship is still required to pay a percentage (to be determined)

  3. Age: Student must be 14½ years of age by the class start date:

  4. Parent Meeting: A Parent/Legal Guardian as well as every enrolled student is REQUIRED to attend the scheduled parent/student meeting is posted in the calendar attached in each of the sessions posted above.  The following documents must be provided in order to fill out some required documentation for your student to drive. 

  • Student Birth Certificate (original copy)

  • Student Social Security Card (original copy)

  • Parent or Legal Guardian's Valid Driver's License