Welcome to Florence-Carlton Middle School
Monthly update from the Principal
January 2025
Hello Florence-Carlton Middle School Families,
Please take a moment to read the following updates and reminders for this month to share with your students.
Winter Weather Reminders:
We are in the middle of winter, and students should dress appropriately for the weather. Students are expected to be outside twice a day:
Morning: Students are outside until 8:05 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast.
Lunch Recess: Students go outside after they finish eating. *about 15 minutes outside
If the temperature (including windchill) drops below zero, students will be allowed to come into the gym in the morning and stay indoors during lunch recess. Please remind your student that if they are inside wandering the halls before 8:05 a.m. without a pass from a teacher, they will receive a lunch detention.
Additionally, remind your students that snowball or ice throwing is not permitted. While it might seem fun, it can quickly become a safety concern.
After-School Sporting Events:
Students attending after-school sporting events must be supervised by an adult. Students should not arrive at school before the event begins. Unsupervised students may be asked to leave. Please help us ensure a safe and positive environment for everyone at these events.
If your student is absent or will be absent, you can notify us via:
Email: fcsattendance@florence.k12.mt.us
Phone: 406-273-0587
Cell Phone Policy:
Students are expected to turn off their cell phones or set them to "Do Not Disturb" during the school day and keep them in their backpacks. Students should not use their phones in the bathroom throughout the day. If you need to contact your student, please call the office or send them an email.
MAST Testing:
Students have begun their second window of MAST testing this month and will complete all testlets by the end of next month. Please make every effort to have your student present on their designated ELA and Math testing days. If your student is unsure about their testing schedule, they should check with their teachers.
Important Dates and Events:
Friday, January 24:
Last day of the second quarter and the end of the first semester. All missing work must be completed and turned in by this day.
The annual Spelling Bee will take place, with students participating in qualifying rounds during their ELA classes.
Monday, January 20: No school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sheree’ Jenkins
Principal, Florence-Carlton Middle School