Ravalli County Resources

(Compiled by Brandy Boak, Families First of Ravalli County )


AWARE, Inc. Treatment Services, Missoula; (406) 543-2202; www.aware-inc.org

*A mental health and disability services provider.  Disability services include:  foster care, case management, group homes, intensive youth treatment services, and early intervention services.



B.E.A.R (Bitterroot Ecological Awareness Resources), 103 S 9th St, Hamilton; (406) 375-9110; bear_outdoor@yahoo.com

*A teen outdoor program that provides hands-on natural resource instruction to area youth.


Birthright of the Bitterroot, 259 Van Blaricom, Hamilton; (406) 363-6710; M T Th F 11-1; Wednesdays, 4-6 PM

*Free pregnancy testing, baby (up to size 2) & maternity clothes.


Bitterroot Attention Home and Dan Fox Home for Kids, 903 S 2nd Hamilton; (406) 363-0619; www.youthhomes.com

*Provides group homes, shelter & foster care, & adoption services for kids in crisis.  Also facilitates an InnerRoads Wilderness Program and an Apartment Living Program.


Bitterroot Bus, 310 Old Corvallis Rd, Hamilton; (406) 363-7484

*Provides transportation from Hamilton to Darby, Stevensville, Corvallis, and Missoula.  Riders MUST call 24 hrs in advance to ride.  Fees apply. 


Bitterroot Job Service Workforce

Center, 333 W. Main St. Hamilton; (406) 363-1822

*Provides employment and referral services at no cost.  Services include:  proficiency & aptitude testing, resource room with computer access for job preparation, & adult job training programs.


Bitterroot Public Library, 306 State St, Hamilton; (406) 363-1670


Bitterroot Valley & Educational Center, 217 N 3rd St Ste G, Hamilton; (406) 363-3882

*Counseling for children, teens, adults, couples & families.  Utilizes a positive, goal-directed approach for stress management, communication skills-building and cognitive therapy.  Most insurance plans accepted.


Bitterroot Valley Addiction Services, 225 S 1st St, Hamilton; (406) 375-2454

*Provides assessment, referral, and outpatient chemical dependency counseling.


Bitterroot Valley Education Cooperative, 300 Park Ave. P.O. Box 187, Stevensville;

(406) 777-2494; www.bvec-mt.orgewenc@bvec-mt.org

*A full service education cooperative and a licensed mental health center in the state of Montana.  Services include:  speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adaptive physical education, school psychology, special education preschool, & school based mental health programs.


Bitterroot Visitation & Mediation Services (BVMS), 253 Roosevelt Lane, Hamilton; (406) 363-4026; tsitlali@montana.com

*Supervised visits, instills guidelines, and works with parenting plans.



Child and Family Services Division-Department of Public Health and Human Services, 108 Pinckney, Hamilton; (406) 363-1961; www.dphhs.mt.gov; To report child abuse and neglect:  1-866-820-5437

*Receives & investigates reports of child abuse and neglect, works to prevent domestic violence, helps families to stay together or reunite, and finds placements in foster or adoptive homes.


Child Care Resources, 127 E Main Suite 314, Missoula; (406) 728-6446 or 1-800-728-6446; www.childcareresources.org Referral & Resource network:

(406) 549-1028

*Aiding families, child care providers, and community members-including businesses-in assuring that high-quality child care is available to all children.  Serves Ravalli County.


Child Development Center, T-214 Fort Missoula, Missoula;

(406) 549-6413 or 1-800-914-4779; www.childdevcenter.org

*Provides services to families whose children are considered to be “at risk” for delays in development or have a diagnosed developmental disability.  Serves Ravalli County.


CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Plan); 1-877-KidsNow

(1-877-543-7669); www.chip.mt.gov

*Provides health insurance to eligible Montana children up to age 19.  Guidelines apply.


Clothes Closet, AKA Free Store, 3862 ALC Way, Stevensville; (406)777-5694 or (406) 529-0015

*Small house wares, clothing and shoes for all seasons and family members.  Inquire about beds.  DONATION.  Open M, W, F 1-4pm.  Accepts donations 1-3pm


Commodity Center, 215 N 6th St, PO Box 1134, Hamilton; (406) 363-2134

*Operates a thrift store selling used merchandise at low prices.  May also provide utility, prescription, clothing & household goods help with a written referral from an agency.


Consumer Credit Counseling Service2110 S Reserve, Missoula; (406) 543-1188

*Offers debt management, counseling, and tax preparation.



Darby Community Public Library, 101 S Marshall St, Darby;

(406) 821-4771



Experience Works, Hamilton;

(406) 363-1822 or 1-888-572-1968; www.experienceworks.org

*Assists low-income seniors, 55 and older, in receiving training & work experience to find a job in the community.

*Provides training services for adults, youths, & dislocated workers.



First Call for Help-Ravalli Co.

Dial 2-1-1 or (406) 549-5555; 10-5

*Links people with problems or questions to detailed information on agencies, community services, non- profit agencies, and support groups.


Food Assistance:  See Montana DPHHS below 


Genesis House, 116 College St, Stevensville; (406) 777-3751

*A transitional home for women with mental illness, teaching them the life skills necessary to regain independence.


Free Store:  See Clothes Closet Above



Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N 4th St, Hamilton; (406) 363-5181


Healthy Families Harvest Community Garden, Pine & 8th Streets, Hamilton; (406) 375-2312

*Offers 15x15 garden plots (also handicapped accessible) to anyone who would like to plant, cultivate, and harvest them.  Cost is $15/season or volunteer arrangements in exchange.


Home Care Services, 316 N 3rd St, Hamilton; (406) 375-8637

*Provides in-home care and accepts Medicaid. 


Human Resource Council, 316 N. 3rd,  Hamilton; (406) 363-6101;


*Provides career, academic, drug, and alcohol counseling; drop out prevention, work experience, occupational skills training (W.O.R.C.); job search, development and placement; energy (LIEAP), rental (Section 8), and weatherization assistance ; first time home owner and home rehab loans.



Kids First of Ravalli County, 103 S 9th St Suite 105, Hamilton; (406) 375-9588, Fax:  (406) 375-2387; www.bitterrootkids.org

“Developing resiliency in families and youth through prevention oriented activities and education.”


▪Skate and dance nights

▪Family Fun nights

▪Lending library

▪Corvallis After School Program

▪Summer camp, ages 6-14

▪Parenting classes

▪Play Groups and Indoor Gym for parents & kids ages 0-5

▪Youth basketball

▪Bitterroot Leadership High

▪Community computer lab

▪Community & Parent Prevention           Workshops & Resources

Tobacco Free Ravalli; tobacco education classes; tfr@bitterrootkids.org

AmeriCorps Western Montana Literacy Support Corps-Family Resource Centers; akinney@bitterrootkids.org

Ravalli County Prevention Coalition; pwood@bitterrootkids.org






Literacy Volunteers of America – Bitterroot, Inc., 316 N. 3rd Suite 156, Hamilton; (406) 363-2900

*Provides free, confidential tutoring to those 16 and older to gain basic skills in reading, writing, and math.  Also provide:  tutoring, GED preparation classes & testing, and workshops for parents of pre-school aged children.



Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association, 2820 S. Higgins, Missoula; (406) 327-8707; www.mrtma.orgMrtma2@mrtma.org

*Vanpooling, carpooling, community needs van service for elderly and disabled.  (MUST call in advance to apply for services.)


Montana Food Bank Network; www.montanafoodbanknetwork.org

3 local food banks

1. Haven House Food Bank, 316 N 3rd Suite 162, Hamilton; (406) 363-2450; MWF 10-2

2. Bitterroot Valley Calvary Chapel, 700 N 4th, Hamilton; (406) 363-3431 (office)

3. Pantry Partners, 616 Park St, Stevensville; (406) 777-0351; MWF 12-3


Montana DPHHS (Department of Public Health and Human Services)


Please see the website for a list of services including food assistance (SNAP), energy assistance, cash and health care

Click Link:  MT DPHHS  Web address:  www.https://dphhs.mt.gov/hcsd/snap


Montana Jobs Network, P.O. Box 874, Stevensville; (406) 777-7185; www.Montana-Jobs.netsupport@montana-jobs.net

*Promotes companies and their employment opportunities in Montana.  Search jobs, post a resume, or fill out applications on-line.


Montana Legal Services Association

Missoula; (406) 543-8343, Help Line 1-800-666-6899; www.mtlsa.org

*Free civil legal assistance-serves Ravalli Co.  Income guidelines apply.


Montana Works, (406) 363-7700; www.montanaworks.org

*Assists people with disabilities to find meaningful careers in the Bitterroot Valley and Missoula.


North Valley Public Library, 208 Main St, Stevensville;

(406) 777-5061



Opportunity Resources, Inc., 316 N. 3rd Suite 151, Hamilton; (406) 363-5032; fax:  (406) 363-5711

*Supporting persons with developmental disabilities in enhancing their quality of life through access of work, residential, case management, arts & recreation, medical, and transportation services.



Partners in Home Care, Inc.,

(406) 728-8848 or 1-888-729-8848; serves Western Montana; www.partnersinhomecare.org

*Provides home care services including: health, hospice & palliative, infusion therapy, case management, private services, and partners medical equipment.



Ravalli County Council on Aging802 W Main, Hamilton; (406) 363-5690 or 1-800-551-3191

*Providing programs that help elderly remain healthy, find jobs, contribute to society after retirement, and utilize government and private benefits programs.  Programs:  meals on wheels, homemaker services, and assistance getting to doctor’s appointments. 


Ravalli County Extension Service-MSU, 215 S 4th St Suite G, Hamilton; (406) 375-6611 (extension agent) or 375-6609 (nutrition assistant)

*Works with groups businesses, and individuals in educational roles in areas of agriculture, natural resources, community development, and youth development.


Ravalli County Habitat for Humanity, Corvallis; ravallihabitat@yahoo.com

*Through volunteer labor, donated money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates decent houses with the help of the homeowner families.  Also sells homes at no profit w/ affordable loans.


Ravalli County Ministerial Association (RCMA), Hamilton; Dale Lewis, (406) 363-3431

*A membership of ministers in Ravalli County, who represent a variety of congregations and ministries, who work together to serve the needs in our Bitterroot Valley.  Provides compassionate emergency assistance funds when help is not readily available through other agencies.


Ravalli County Office of Public Assistance-DPHHS, 310 N. 3rd, Hamilton; (406) 363-1944, 8-5

*Programs administered:  cash assistance for families (TANF), Medicaid, child care assistance, and Food Stamps.  Each program requires eligibility-including income & resources.


Ravalli County Public Health Department, 205 Bedford St. Hamilton; (406) 375-6670; www.co.ravalli.mt.us

*Health services offered: family planning, services to pregnant women & their children, immunization and well-child clinics, school nursing, nursing services, handicapped children’s programs, communicable disease control, emergency preparedness services, and preventable health problems. 


Ravalli Services Corporation,

219 Pennsylvania Ave Hamilton;

(406) 363-5400

*Provides assistance to people with disabilities to live and work in the community.  RSC operates three adult community homes providing intensive support services and transition towards independent living.





Riverfront Counseling & Support

Center, 1205 W. Main St., Hamilton; (406) 532-9101

*Provides individual, family, and marriage counseling services to ALL community members.  Intensive case management, 24 hr emergency services, adult group home, and adult & youth psychiatric services available.


RSVP (Retired Seniors Volunteer Program) Area VI, 501 N 10th St, Hamilton; (406) 363-1102; rsvp@montana.com

*A nationwide volunteer program that invites adults 55 and older to use their life experiences and skills to answer the call of their neighbors in need.


Ravalli County Schools

Bitterroot Valley Cooperative Preschool, Stevensville; (406) 777-5509

*Special education inclusive (3-5 yrs.)


Corvallis School District # 1, P.O. Box 700, Corvallis; www.corvallis.k12.mt.us

Primary School:  (406) 961-3261

Middle School:  (406) 961-3007

High School:  (406) 961-3201


Darby School District, 209 School Drive, Darby; www.darby.k12.mt.us

Elementary School:  (406) 821-3643

High School:  (406) 821-3252


Florence-Carlton School District, 5602 Old Highway 93, Florence; www.florence.k12.mt.us

Elementary School:  (406) 273-6741

Jr. High School:  (406) 273-0587

High School:  (406) 273-6301


Hamilton School District # 3, Hamilton; www.hsd3.org

Daly Elementary School, 208 Daly Ave, (406) 363-2122

Grantsdale Elementary School, 778 Grantsdale Rd, (406) 363-1889

Washington Elementary School, 225 N 5th St, (406) 363-2144

Hamilton Middle School, 209 S 5th St, (406) 363-2121

Hamilton High School, 327 Fairgrounds Rd, (406) 375-6060

Hamilton Alternative School, (406) 363-2992

Lone Rock School District, 1112 Three Mile Creek Road, Stevensville; (406) 777-3314; www.lonerockschool.org


Ravalli Head Start, 81 Kurtz Lane, Hamilton; (406) 363-1217; Lone Rock School location, (406) 777-5563


Stevensville Alternative Learning Center 254 Middle Burnt Fork Rd, Stevensville; (406) 777-5137


Stevensville School District #2, 300 Park St, Stevensville; www.stevensville.k12.mt.us

Elementary grades K-3:  (406) 777-5613

Elementary grades 4-6:  (406) 777-5822

Jr. High School:  (406) 777-5533

High School:  (406) 777-5481


Victor Public School, 425 4th Ave, Victor; (406) 642-3221; www.victor.k12.mt.us




S.A.F.E., Inc., 150 Morning Star Way, P.O. Box 534 Hamilton, Office:  (406) 363-2793; 24-hour crisis line:  (406) 363-4600; www.safeinthebitterroot.org

*Offers emergency and long-term housing, supportive services, community coordination and education to people who have experienced domestic or sexual violence.    


Salvation Army, 316 N 3rd St., Hamilton; (406) 363-6101 x 248

*Provides FEMA rent assistance April-Sept. 1st, emergency shelter, utility, gas, prescription assistance, vouchers and referrals.  


South Valley Child and Family Center, 515 Madison St, Hamilton; (406) 363-2228

*Serves children with special needs and provides advocacy and assistance to families.  Seeks to meet behavioral health needs and increase access to all types of healthcare through enrollment in coverage programs.  A clinical nurse specialist provides psycho-behavioral assessment, medication management, individual & family therapy. 


Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission St, Stevensville; (406) 777-5681


Summit Independent Living Center, Inc., 316 N. 3rd, Hamilton; (406) 363-5242 or 1-800-398-9013; www.summitilc.orgHamilton@summitilc.org

*Offers independent living services to persons with any type of physical or mental impairment that significantly impacts their ability to live independently or maintain employment.  




Trapper Creek Job Corps Center, 5139 West Fork Road, Darby; (406) 821-3286

*A federally funded residential training center for females and males ages 16-24 who wish to learn a trade and complete vocational training.  Services include career training, GED or high school diploma completion, college program, driver’s education, room & board, medical & dental coverage, and placement services.




United Way of Ravalli County, 501 N 1st St, Hamilton, (406) 370-6780; www.uwmc.montana.comwing@missoulaunitedway.com

“Strengthening our community by improving lives one at a time.”


U.S. Forest Service-Older Worker Program, 1801 N. 1st St., Hamilton; (406) 363-7163

*Serves persons 55 or older with low income and poor employment aspects.




Valley Veterans Services Center, 316 N 3rd St., Hamilton;

(406) 363-9838

*A volunteer organization that assists all veterans to receive benefits.  A nationally certified service officer is available.


Victor Senior Center, 242 5th Ave, Victor; (406) 642-3320


Vocational Rehabilitation, 316 N. 3rd Suite 161, Hamilton; (406) 329-5400

Assists disabled individuals in preparation for and entering the work force.  Offers an array of employment services.   



Western Montana Addiction Services, Crossroads; 214 Pinckney Hamilton; (406) 363-3060

*Provides chemical dependency counseling to all age groups.  Outpatient services:  assessment, evaluation, therapy, crisis intervention, education, and Minors-In-Possession insight classes.  Sliding fee scale available.


WIC, 205 Bedford St Suite O, Hamilton; (406) 375-6685; other locations:  Stevensville, Darby, and Victor-call for appointment.

Offers nutrition information and breastfeeding support for women (pregnant, breastfeeding, or recently gave birth) and infants and children (up to age 5).  Dads, grandparents, and foster families are encouraged to apply!




Youth Connections, 220 S 3rd, Hamilton, Dave Hunkapiller (406) 360-6310

*Community Services & Life Skill Classes.


Youth Court Services, 220 S 3rd, Hamilton; Court Admninistrator-Jean Israel; (406) 375-6805