What is MBI?

MBI Belief Statements

  • All students should be taught all the skills necessary for success: academic, social, emotional, and behavioral.

  • Schools are places where students can learn and practice positive interpersonal, cross-cultural, and citizenship skills.

  • A caring school climate and positive relationships between students and staff are critical to student success and provide an environment where academics flourish.

  • Schools are places where youth have access to many significant adults to help them feel collectively and individually valued.

  • Schools and communities must work together to meet the diverse needs of students and honor the traditions and contributions of both family and community members.

  • All students are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.

  • Successful schools gather and use a variety of information to improve teaching and learning.

  • Effective use of a team approach involving all school staff working together provides a consistency which enhances student success.

  • Positive, proactive and preventative efforts of schools and communities can create a school climate free of stereotyping, harassment, hatred and violence—filled with a concern for justice and fairness.

MBI is a proactive approach in creating behavioral supports and a social culture that establishes social, emotional, and academic success for all students.

MBI uses the Response to Intervention model which is a 3-tiered system of support and a problem solving process to assist schools in meeting the needs of and effectively education all students.

Schools applying MBI/PBIS begin by establishing clear expectations for behavior that are taught, modeled, and reinforced across all settings and by all staff. This provides a host environment that supports the adoption and sustained use of effective academic and social/emotional instruction. MBI/PBIS has proven its effectiveness and efficiency as an Evidence-Based Practice (Surai and Horner, 2007)

The principles and practices of MBI/PBIS are consistent with federal education mandates such as No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) (pbis.org)