Bully Prevention Information for Parents and Students

We are so happy to announce that Florence-Carlton K-8 has been able to purchase the award winning Olweus anti-bullying prevention program. The goal of the program is to make the school a positive and safer place for students to learn. Students grades K-8 participate in guided classroom activities to help students learn about bullying behavior and standing up for each other if it occurs. We are committed to help each child feel safe coming to school to ensure their full potential.  This program is not just focused on classroom curriculum but as whole school change agent to faciltate a climate of trust.  For more information on Olweus, visit their website at http://www.violencepreventionworks.org/public/olweus_bullying_prevention_program.page or ask your classroom teacher or counselor. 

Olweus Parent Pamphlet

Olweus Witness Information

Safe Network - You"ll find articles, a message board, and advice from experts on keeping children safe at school and in the community.

For Kids - Go To The Following Sites For Help With Bullies

No Bully - This site will help answer your questions; What is bullying? Why do some people bully? Why is bullying harmful? What can you do if you are being bullied? What can you do if you see someone else being bullied?

Kids Health - This is a terrific site for lots of information. Once you get to the homepage, click on For Kids, then click on Dealing with Feelings. You can then scroll down to a who lot of interesting topics. This entire site is safe and wonderful! Feel free to explore topics of interest.