Homecoming will be starting next week, September 11th! Thursday the Lady Falcon Volleyball team will play Loyola and the Florence Falcon Football team will cap the week against Conrad! Fore Float information, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYj5bPU_sXCod9imnzd-qTx4wtQWeEyBMCGqUkkjVObfaukg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 #letsgofalcons #falconpride #gofalcons #fcsactivites #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
The opening music will be provided by a group of awesome, self-directed, enthusiastic FCHS musicians, followed by 2 main bands, a community potluck (look at the website to see what item to bring based on your last name) and overnight camping if so desired! This event is in its 7th year and has grown to become a much enjoyed community gathering with great music! We'd love to see everyone there! #gofalcons #falconpride #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
The Stevensville Yellowjackets split against Laurel today. The BOYS won, 5-2, while the girls lost, 1-3. Both games were exciting and the Jackets played well. Long season ahead! Lets' GO STEVI!!! #gofalcons @fcsactivities #falconpride #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
The Boy's Soccer team fell to Billings Central 3-2 tonight and the Girls lost 1-3. Both teams played tough in a season opener against one of the best teams in the state. Great job Yellowjackets! #falconpride #falconstrong #gofalcons #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
TIME CHANGE FOR SOCCER GAMES on Saturday, August 26th! Due to inability to secure referees for the times scheduled in the post 2 days ago, the home games against Laurel have changed to the following: Girls: 3:00 PM Boys: 5:00 PM Varsity only Very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
The Stevensville Yellow Jackets will host Billings Central to start their season. Stevensville Soccer is a Co-Op made up of Florence, Victor, and Stevensville. The BOYS will be playing at 4:00pm and the GIRLS will begin at 6:00. Good luck Yellowjackets! Gate prices: Students- $6.00 Adults(18-61)- $8.00 62 and up- Free of Charge Stevensville will host Laurel tomorrow, August 26th, beginning at 10:00am with the GIRLS, followed by the BOYS playing at 12:00pm. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
Florence-Carlton Middle School is looking for 2 qualified candidates to become MS volleyball coaches. Due to the high numbers of participants this year, FCMS will need to hire 2 additional coaches. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Tuesday – August 22nd, @ 5:00 P.M. District Conference Room https://5il.co/22syc
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
At 7:00, Saturday, August 19th the Class B 2x reigning STATE CHAMPION Florence Falcon Football team is having their annual Maroon/White Scrimmage.
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
The 2023/2024 athletic season is kicking off this Friday, August 18th at 5:00 with a Falcon Volleyball Maroon/Gold Scrimmage
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
Beginning of the school year 23-24 Newsletter--https://5il.co/22d5a
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
Open House - August 24th starting at 6pm.
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
HS PARENT MEETING WILL BE INSIDE THE MAROON GYM! MEETING STARTS AT 6:00 pm. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
HS Fall Parent meeting for grades 8-12 will be tomorrow, August 9th, at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held at the football field. 8th grade will be able to participate in Cheer/Stunt & Cross Country. MS Volleyball and football parent meeting will be held on August 14th @ 6:00pm. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
August Board meeting. Aug 8th @ the District Office. 6pm. https://5il.co/218ks
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
If you are interested in playing soccer this year, please attend the parent meeting @ 6:00 in the Stevensville Gym. Florence is part of a co-op that has been in places for years in which Florence students play soccer for Stevensville HS. I apologize for the late announcement but this information was just given to me minutes ago by their Boys' Head Coach. Again, meeting for soccer @ 6:00pm in the Stevensville HS tonight, August 3rd. #gofalcons #falconpride #florencefalcons #fcsactivities
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
7 Spots remaining for physicals. Please go to the following link to sign up for the last spots! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA4AF2EA4FBC61-physicalssapphire Please look at this link to be ready for the upcoming season: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14_Yz8-JnQckBKgLcSOrfTIFVwXG27TQu6Jk6ysxSCYQ/edit ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR SUMMER!!!!! #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
Sapphire Health is offering free physicals on August 1st and August 8th from 3:15 to 5:30. Attached is a link to sign up for appointments. First come, first serve. Please go to the following to look into the steps to register for your physical. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA4AF2EA4FBC61-physicalssapphire Quick note, parent meeting was moved to Wed, August 9th @ 6:00 at the football field. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
Florence-Carlton is still looking for a Cheer/Stunt Coach for the upcoming seasons. Please get your applications at the District office to apply.
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
July Board Meeting July 10th - 5pm - District office https://5il.co/1yxva
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch