Order your Elementary Yearbook Today! $15 until May 2nd https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/FlorenceCarlton2023
over 1 year ago, Chrissy Hulla
Your kids get hungry at school:)! Closing into the end of the school year, my supply of snacks are dwindling. Please throw an extra snack in your child's backpack.
over 1 year ago, Julie Shepp
granola bar
over 1 year ago, Sam Bartsch
Still looking for a few more adults to help run some events this Friday, April 21st at Corvallis. The meet starts at 9 and ends around 4. Please let me know if you are interested!!!! #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
over 1 year ago, FCS_Activities
FCS Seniors participated in an interactive game of "Life" yesterday, where they were assigned a job, family, spouse, and children. Each booth stimulated the process of purchasing vehicles, housing, insurance, and everyday living expenses to see where they come out at the end.
almost 2 years ago, Alli Bristow
Reality Fair1
Reality Fair 2
Reality Fair 3
Florence-Carlton Schools Levy Information https://5il.co/1s65q
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
April School Board Meeting on the 12th at 6pm @ the District Office. https://5il.co/1s65m
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
Congratulations to Ms. Alli Bristow for being awarded the School Counselor of the Year!!
almost 2 years ago, Scott Marsh - HS Principal
Ms. Alli Bristow
Ms. Alli Bristow receiving the award.
Come down to the Florence Gym tonight to watch the 4th & 5th graders' music program. Mrs. Brett has worked hard with this group creating some great musicians! The program starts at 7:00! #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
almost 2 years ago, FCS_Activities
Florence-Carlton School Kindergarten Registration and Readiness Screening Wednesday, April 26th Please use this updated link: https://bit.ly/kinder23-24
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
It is with great disappointment that Frenchtown announces that they will be unable to host their track meet Saturday (4-1). The weather is not cooperating with Spring Sports. Fingers crossed for other sports. Frenchtown is exploring the possibility of hosting a mid-week event later in April if there is interest. #gofalcon #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
almost 2 years ago, FCS_Activities
Florence Carlton High School key club received awards this year’s Montana District Convention. A Governor’s Project Award, for projects done benefitting young children, and a Ladder Award which is based on points a Club receives for projects and charitable fundraising done throughout the year. The objective of Key Club is to make our homes, schools, communities, our nation and our world a better place. Key Club members strive to do that each year. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
almost 2 years ago, FCS_Activities
ESSA Accountability Designation Letters for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Elem- https://5il.co/1r68w MS- https://5il.co/1r6a3 HS- https://5il.co/1r55n
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
Florence-Carlton School Kindergarten Registration and Readiness Screening Wednesday, April 26th https://5il.co/1r61z
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
High School Wrestling Banquet tomorrow night, 3/21 in the MPR at 6:30. #gofalcons #falconpride #florencefalcons #fcsactivities
almost 2 years ago, FCS_Activities
Mark your calendars!
almost 2 years ago, Charlene Brett
Mark your calendars!
A reminder for keeping our school healthy…. Sick children should be kept home until they are free from any of these symptoms: *Coughing or sneezing *Runny nose *Unusual skin eruptions *Chills or fever *Nausea and vomiting *Sore throat *Red eyes with drainage *Faint or dizzy *Abdominal pain ***If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, do not send them until they are symptom free for 24 hours post LAST episode***
almost 2 years ago, Julie Shepp
March Board Meeting Agenda https://5il.co/1qk74
almost 2 years ago, Sam Bartsch
4th-5th Grade Spring Concert will be on Thursday, March 30, 2023 @ 7:00 pm in the maroon gym. Mark your calendars!
almost 2 years ago, Charlene Brett
Come support your Falcons at the DIVISIONAL TOURNAMENTS in Anaconda starting tomorrow, Feb 23rd. The Lady Falcons play at 9:45 and the Falcons play at 1:15pm. #gofalcons #falconpride #fcsactivities #florencefalcons
almost 2 years ago, FCS_Activities