FCSD wishes you a Happy Stars Wars Day. May the 4th be with you!
over 3 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Star Wars
Congratulations to Florence-Carlton High School for being named a National Best High School for 2021 by U.S. News & World Report.
over 3 years ago, Brian Rayburn
us news
Mr. Combo’s Lifetime Activities class taking in a round of golf.
over 3 years ago, Brian Rayburn
lifetime golf
Congratulations to Carter Rayburn for winning the Montana State Spelling Bee. He will represent Montana at the National Level!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Florence 3rd grade enjoying a field trip to the YMCA!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Happy Spring Break!!!!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
crossing guards
Kindergarten Registration for 2021-2022 Please follow the link below to sign-up for a time to register your child: http://bit.ly/FCSKindergarten21
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
FCSD School Board Meeting Tuesday, 3/9/2021
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Board Agenda
A huge thank you to FCSD Board members Lacy Janes, Bobbie Ketelhut, and Ben Crocker for actively searching for vaccines for our staff. Today we were able to secure 60 doses of the Moderna vaccination for our staff and had a clinic to administer these first doses. We will have another clinic on Tuesday for the remaining staff who wish to receive the vaccination. Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Congratulations to Carter Rayburn for qualifying for the State Spelling Bee. He is one of the top 60 spellers in the state and will compete on March 25th.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Spelling Bee
The Florence Robotics Teams are in action today. Good luck with your competition!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
robotics team
robotics team
*****Reminder***** There will be a 2-hour delay today, Tuesday 2/16. Doors will open at 9:55am.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Hello Florence Families, There will be a special school board meeting on Tuesday, February 16th at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held in the conference room and online. The conference room will hold 7 guests under current spacing guidelines. Once we reach capacity, we will have to close the doors to in-person attendance but all are welcome to attend online. The link and agenda are below. As a reminder, on Tuesday all students should come to school with masks. The current mask mandate is in place until the FCSD Board changes it. Thank you, Brian C. Rayburn Meeting Agenda: https://5il.co/pm62 Topic: Special School Board Meeting Time: Feb 16, 2021 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93512064606?pwd=UytkWkpvT1NQU3FCUGZHZVgrTEhqUT09 Meeting ID: 935 1206 4606 Passcode: wm19j5 or Dial by your location 1-253-215-8782 1-346-248-7799 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 935 1206 4606 Passcode: 280031
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Hello Falcon Families, Today the Governor issued Directive Implementing Executive Order 2-2021. In this 15-page order various topics are discussed including the wearing of masks. The directive calls for an end to the previous administration’s directives related to Covid-19 and then creates new language. The new language on mask wearing is below: GENERAL MASKING Individual responsibility remains Montana’s best tool to combat the spread of COVID-19. Montanans are encouraged to wear masks and should follow the best industry practices adopted by any business they visit to slow the spread of the virus. The information below is related to schools: SCHOOLS Access to school is essential to the developmental, social, mental, and educational needs of school-age children. Schools should make reasonable efforts to follow school guidelines and best practices recommended by the CDC and the Montana Office of Public Instruction. The last vote on the subject of masking was done by the FCSD Board in September 2020. That vote said the district will follow the Governors directive. Since the new language of the directive is not clear, in that it allows personal choice for masking in general but in the school section it says we should follow the CDC guidelines, we will need to hold a special school board meeting to sort out the issue. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 16th at 6:00pm. The conference room will hold approximately seven guests and all others will need to participate online. The link for the Zoom Meeting will be sent out after the agenda for the meeting is determined. Until the FCSD Board has a chance to meet and determine the direction for masking we will keep our mask mandate in place. Students should continue to come to school with masks until the Board meets and decides on this subject. This is a very challenging subject with deep personal feelings on both sides of the issue. I know we as a school community can come together and have a respectful dialogue about what is best for our school. Please contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully, Brian C. Rayburn
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Hello Falcon families. Our regular School Board meeting is tomorrow starting at 6pm. You can view the online agenda and virtual meeting info by clicking here: https://5il.co/phch
almost 4 years ago, FCSD Social Media
Feb School Board Meeting
Feb School Board Meeting
Feb School Board Meeting
Congratulations to the first-ever Scripps online spelling bee participants from FCS: Nolan, Jacob, Dominic, Lizzie, Emory, Seba, Luke, Dia, Carter, Hayden, and Olivia. There was quiet but fierce competition for two intense days, and with the results in, Carter will advance to the county spelling bee (online) in February with Dia as his back up. A big thank you to all the teachers and staff who supported the spellers in class and from the sidelines! Please congratulate these students when you see them!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
Check out the FCS adult education page for two renewed fitness classes upcoming this February. Both Oula dance fitness and Oula.one yoga dance fusion are being offered. Pre-Registration is required on the website and classes are filled on a first come, first serve. Spots are limited due to social distancing this year. If you are interested in teaching an adult education fitness class or any type of class we would love to hear from you! Contact Alli Bristow at bristowa@florence.k12.mt.us
almost 4 years ago, Alli Bristow
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Fri. January 22, all students will be dismissed at 12:05. Students in grades K-5 will have their regular lunch schedule. Students in grades 6-12 will have the opportunity for a Grab-and-Go lunch that will be handed out in the Old Gym as they are dismissed. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
almost 4 years ago, FCSD Social Media
Early Release Reminder
Having three steel trucks in the parking lot this morning is a good sign for the construction calendar! Thank you for the picture Mrs. Deschamps.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
steel trucks
One of our students has finished their woods project. Great job to them and thank you Mr. Ketelhut for helping our program thrive!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Rayburn
Flag Woods Project